National Prescription Drug Take Back Day event held Saturday at Kroger
The event is held annually to promote the disposal of unwanted medications.
TOLEDO, Ohio — Saturday, a National Prescription Drug Take Back Day event was held at the Holland-Sylvania Kroger location, as well as at police and fire stations across Northwest Ohio.
The goal of this annual event is to prevent unwanted or unneeded medications from ending up in the wrong hands, and that’s a mission Scott Schimmel of Kroger says isn’t confined to just one day.
“We worry about [medications] ending up in the wrong hands or meds being used by people they weren’t prescribed for. If you have meds that end up not being used due to changed therapies or things that just expired, just look into seeing if there are easy ways to get them out of the households and out of hands that don’t need to be having them,” said Schmmmel, Pharmacy Manager at the Holland-Sylvania Kroger.
If you couldn’t make it out to today’s event, there’s no need to worry. Police and fire stations are always accepting unwanted medications, so they can be properly disposed of.