Some older adults opting to skip second booster shot. But why?
One expert has a possible explanation.
TOLEDO, Ohio — To many, the COVID-19 pandemic is a thing of the past. And for some older adults who may have already been vaccinated, booster shots are the least of their concerns. But one expert says they shouldn’t be. So why are they to so many people?
“Two main reasons: awareness and access. I think we have done a great job with the initial vaccine in terms of awareness with seniors and also access. That has changed with the booster,” explained Dr. Ardeshir Hashmi of the Cleveland Clinic.
Dr. Hasmi says that the common reasoning among older adults is that if they already had their initial vaccine dose — and a booster — they’re a-okay. But that’s not the case, and he says more education needs to happen on how efficacy of that initial vaccine dose wanes over time. Not to mention the fact that older adults tend to have weaker immune systems, making the added booster all the more important. And to add to all those factors, new variants of the virus continue to be discovered.
When it comes to the side effects of this second booster, Dr. Hasmi says they mirror those of the first, and there’s no need to be concerned. He adds that after receiving your additional booster, there’s still good reason to continue taking precautions out in public.
“Same measures. Just consistency of those measures. You know, wearing your mask, hand washing. You know we have seen that with the rates of the common flu, influenza have dramatically went down, and a lot of it was because of these great public health safety practices that everyone was on board and doing, and I think that doesn’t stop here,” Hashmi said.
So if your loved one is in need of their follow-up booster, the doctor encourages you to help them get past those barriers to access.