This Week in Road Work: What you need to know
As the summer season approaches, travel delays will increase — here’s how you can avoid them.
TOLEDO, Ohio — The ramp from southbound I-75 to the southbound side of the Anthony Wayne Trail, exit 201, which is an existing closure, is expected to continue through August. To detour, take Southbound I-75 to Washington St., exit 202A, to Washington St. to the southbound lane of the Anthony Wayne Trail.
Additionally, the ramp from the northbound side of the Anthony Wayne Trail to Collingwood Blvd. will be closed for reconstruction beginning Monday, June 7 through September. Detour by taking the AW Trail to Washington St. to Dorr St. to Collingwood Blvd.
Finally, the ramp from northbound I-75 to the Anthony Wayne Trail, exit 201B, will be closed for reconstruction beginning Monday, June 7 through May 2022. Detour by taking northbound I-75 to Erie St., exit 201A, to Washington St.