‘What an adventure’ | Meet the promoter taking over concerts in Promenade Park
TOLEDO, Ohio — Downtown Toledo, in general, is a loud place. Promenade Park right now — a bit quiet. But in a few short weeks, concerts will be back in the park.
“What an adventure, truthfully.”
Hunter Brucks is the president, CEO, and owner of HB Concerts Inc., who you may remember from his attempt at building an amphitheater in Waterville, which faced pushback from residents. Now, Bruck’s vision has shifted to downtown Toledo, where he’ll be taking over the summer time concerts in Promenade Park, which were previously run by ProMedica.
“It’s gonna be a contained area, such as an amphitheater. Food and beer. Stadium seats; I bought some very expensive, beautiful stadium seats to go right down on the lawn in front of the big, arena-sized stage — so that’s exciting,” he said.
Brucks says he was recruited by the city to bring his 40+ years of experience. He says to expect diverse acts that’ll be different for the area.
“We’ll probably be north of ten, we’ll probably hit 15 shows in the summer of 2024 — and very large marquee name acts,” Brucks hinted.
Having set his sights on the Glass City, Brucks and his staff have moved into an office just across the street from the park, which will also operate as a box office. The first of what will be a few performances as part of the ‘Promenade Pavillion’ concert series is rapper Flo Rida on July 13th and an 80’s rock invasion on the 19th.
Tickets for both can also be obtained online at hbconcertsinc.com.